Physical Review E – January 1995
Volume 51, Issue 1


General Methods of Statistical Physics

Complex Fluids

Surface and bulk periodical structures in smectic-C films with one free boundary
E. I. Demikhov
pp. R12-R15 [View Page Images or PDF (1,138 kB)]

Diffusion-Limited Aggregation, Dendritic Growth

Random successive growth model for pattern formation
Wu Ziqin and Li Boquan
pp. R16-R19 [View Page Images or PDF (765 kB)]
Tilted arrays of dendrites
Raz Kupferman and David A. Kessler
pp. R20-R23 [View Page Images or PDF (536 kB)]

Plasma Physics

False gain in x-ray laser experiments due to axial plasma expansion
Tsuneyuki Ozaki and Hiroto Kuroda
pp. R24-R27 [View Page Images or PDF (740 kB)]


General Methods of Statistical Physics

Brownian motion on a square Lennard-Jones lattice: Trapping, hopping, and diffusion
Li-Shi Luo, George D. J. Phillies, Louis Colonna-Romano, and Harvey Gould
pp. 43-52 [View Page Images or PDF (1,687 kB)]
Geometric description of chaos in self-gravitating systems
Monica Cerruti-Sola and Marco Pettini
pp. 53-64 [View Page Images or PDF (1,964 kB)]
Density-functional approach to the equation of state of a hard-sphere crystal
A. R. Denton, N. W. Ashcroft, and W. A. Curtin
pp. 65-73 [View Page Images or PDF (1,706 kB)]
Spectral signature of the pitchfork bifurcation: Liouville equation approach
P. Gaspard, G. Nicolis, A. Provata, and S. Tasaki
pp. 74-94 [View Page Images or PDF (2,915 kB)]
Frequency distributions in population genetics parallel those in statistical physics
Paul G. Higgs
pp. 95-101 [View Page Images or PDF (1,322 kB)]
Preserving chaos: Control strategies to preserve complex dynamics with potential relevance to biological disorders
Weiming Yang, Mingzhou Ding, Arnold J. Mandell, and Edward Ott
pp. 102-110 [View Page Images or PDF (1,214 kB)]
Statistics of wave-function scars
T. M. Antonsen, Jr., E. Ott, Q. Chen, and R. N. Oerter
pp. 111-121 [View Page Images or PDF (1,773 kB)]
Expansion of moments of the Smoluchowski equation
George H. Weiss and Moshe Gitterman
pp. 122-125 [View Page Images or PDF (563 kB)]
Retrapping and velocity inversion in jump diffusion
R. Ferrando, R. Spadacini, and G. E. Tommei
pp. 126-130 [View Page Images or PDF (771 kB)]
Reliability of self-affine measurements
Jean Schmittbuhl, Jean-Pierre Vilotte, and Stéphane Roux
pp. 131-147 [View Page Images or PDF (2,018 kB)]
Properties of autowaves including transitions between the traveling and static solitary states
E. M. Kuznetsova and V. V. Osipov
pp. 148-157 [View Page Images or PDF (1,385 kB)]
Thermodynamic pressure in nonequilibrium gases
Raquel Domínguez and David Jou
pp. 158-163 [View Page Images or PDF (975 kB)]
Topological time-series analysis of a string experiment and its synchronized model
Nicholas B. Tufillaro, Peter Wyckoff, Reggie Brown, Thomas Schreiber, and Timothy Molteno
pp. 164-174 [View Page Images or PDF (2,019 kB)]
Theoretical approach to two-dimensional traffic flow models
Juan M. Molera, Froilán C. Martínez, José A. Cuesta, and Ricardo Brito
pp. 175-187 [View Page Images or PDF (2,455 kB)]
Phase-ordering dynamics of systems with a conserved vector order parameter
F. Rojas and A. J. Bray
pp. 188-197 [View Page Images or PDF (1,603 kB)]
Rectangular billiard in the presence of a flux line
G. Date, S. R. Jain, and M. V. N. Murthy
pp. 198-203 [View Page Images or PDF (1,026 kB)]
Gaussian approach for phase ordering in nonconserved scalar systems with long-range interactions
J. A. N. Filipe and A. J. Bray
pp. 204-211 [View Page Images or PDF (1,366 kB)]
Influence of the environment on anomalous diffusion
Renato Bettin, Riccardo Mannella, Bruce J. West, and Paolo Grigolini
pp. 212-219 [View Page Images or PDF (1,150 kB)]
Third law of thermodynamics in the presence of a heat flux
J. Camacho
pp. 220-225 [View Page Images or PDF (986 kB)]
Phase transitions in the interacting-domain-wall model
Jae Dong Noh and Doochul Kim
pp. 226-236 [View Page Images or PDF (1,643 kB)]
Scaling structure and 1/f noise in one-dimensional surface-reaction models
H. F. Ouyang, Z. Q. Huang, and E. J. Ding
pp. 237-240 [View Page Images or PDF (672 kB)]
Dynamic algorithm for loop-erased self-avoiding random walks in two and three dimensions
R. E. Bradley and S. Windwer
pp. 241-244 [View Page Images or PDF (577 kB)]
Statistical theory of an adiabatic process
Stefan V. Mashkevich and Vladimir S. Mashkevich
pp. 245-253 [View Page Images or PDF (1,480 kB)]
Reaction probability derived from an interpolation formula for diffusion processes with an absorptive boundary condition
Tetsuya Misawa and Hiroyuki Itakura
pp. 254-260 [View Page Images or PDF (1,135 kB)]

Kinetic and Transport Theory, Fluid Structure

Local thermodynamics of inhomogeneous fluids at equilibrium
Jerome K. Percus, Liudmila A. Pozhar, and Keith E. Gubbins
pp. 261-265 [View Page Images or PDF (533 kB)]
Determination of the differential cross section for a realistic intermolecular potential
Andrzej Herczyński, Ryszard Herczyński, and Artur Kozłowski
pp. 266-272 [View Page Images or PDF (1,060 kB)]
Shear viscosity via global control of spatiotemporal chaos in two-dimensional isoenergetic dense fluids
William G. Hoover and Harald A. Posch
pp. 273-279 [View Page Images or PDF (1,351 kB)]
Numerical solution of the spatially inhomogeneous Boltzmann equation and verification of the nonlocal approach for an argon plasma
C. Busch and U. Kortshagen
pp. 280-288 [View Page Images or PDF (1,607 kB)]
Monte Carlo simulation and integral-equation studies of a fluid of charged hard spheres near the critical region
F. Bresme, E. Lomba, J. J. Weis, and J. L. F. Abascal
pp. 289-296 [View Page Images or PDF (1,167 kB)]
Kinetic model for pair correlations
James W. Dufty, Mirim Lee, and J. Javier Brey
pp. 297-309 [View Page Images or PDF (2,040 kB)]

Thermal Physics and Fluid Dynamics

Steady squares and hexagons on a subcritical ramp
R. B. Hoyle
pp. 310-315 [View Page Images or PDF (1,371 kB)]
Multiplicative cascade models of multifractal solar magnetic fields
J. K. Lawrence, A. C. Cadavid, and A. A. Ruzmaikin
pp. 316-324 [View Page Images or PDF (2,193 kB)]
Improved low-order model for shear flow driven by Rayleigh-Bénard convection
K. B. Hermiz, P. N. Guzdar, and J. M. Finn
pp. 325-331 [View Page Images or PDF (1,020 kB)]
Description of concentration fluctuations in liquid binary mixtures with nonadditive potentials
S. M. Osman and R. N. Singh
pp. 332-338 [View Page Images or PDF (976 kB)]
Binary fluid convection in a cylinder
Isabel Mercader, Marta Net, and Edgar Knobloch
pp. 339-350 [View Page Images or PDF (1,795 kB)]
Noise-induced sidebranching in the three-dimensional nonaxisymmetric dendritic growth
Efim Brener and Dmitri Temkin
pp. 351-359 [View Page Images or PDF (1,252 kB)]
Rigorous bound on the plane-shear-flow dissipation rate
Thomas Gebhardt, Siegfried Grossmann, Martin Holthaus, and Michel Löhden
pp. 360-365 [View Page Images or PDF (826 kB)]

Complex Fluids

Saddle-splay elasticity of nematic structures confined to a cylindrical capillary
S. Kralj and S. Žumer
pp. 366-379 [View Page Images or PDF (2,315 kB)]
Fluid elasticity and the transition to chaos in thermal convection
Roger E. Khayat
pp. 380-399 [View Page Images or PDF (2,423 kB)]
Higher smectic-layer order parameters in liquid crystals determined by x-ray diffraction and the effect of antiferroelectricity
Yoichi Takanishi, Asako Ikeda, Hideo Takezoe, and Atsuo Fukuda
pp. 400-406 [View Page Images or PDF (913 kB)]
Flory approximant for the fractal dimension of the viscous-finger pattern: Transient and asymptotic behaviors
C. Buragohain, R. S. Bandhu, Jayanta K. Bhattacharjee, and Debashish Chowdhury
pp. 407-410 [View Page Images or PDF (605 kB)]
Annihilation rate and scaling in a two-dimensional system of charged particles
Won Gun Jang, Valeriy V. Ginzburg, Chris D. Muzny, and Noel A. Clark
pp. 411-417 [View Page Images or PDF (1,085 kB)]
Relation between anchorings of liquid crystals and conformation changes in aligning agents by the Langmuir-Blodgett film technique investigation
Yang-Ming Zhu, Zu-Hong Lu, and Yu Wei
pp. 418-422 [View Page Images or PDF (859 kB)]
Experimental evidence for the divergence of a transport coefficient in a quasi-two-dimensional fluid
Binhua Lin, Stuart A. Rice, and D. A. Weitz
pp. 423-429 [View Page Images or PDF (1,263 kB)]
Universal relaxation behavior of classical liquid crystals at hypersonic frequencies
C. Grammes, J. K. Krüger, K.-P. Bohn, J. Baller, C. Fischer, C. Schorr, D. Rogez, and P. Alnot
pp. 430-440 [View Page Images or PDF (1,877 kB)]
Molecular-dynamics studies of systems of confined dumbbell molecules
Wen-Jong Ma, Lakshmanan K. Iyer, Saraswathi Vishveshwara, Joel Koplik, and Jayanth R. Banavar
pp. 441-453 [View Page Images or PDF (2,274 kB)]
Characterization of 12-8-diacetylene Langmuir-Blodgett films by scanning-force microscopy
Hemasiri Vithana, David Johnson, Raymond Shih, and J. Adin Mann, Jr.
pp. 454-461 [View Page Images or PDF (2,803 kB)]
Tilt susceptibility at an antiferroelectric smectic-CA*–smectic-A phase transition
Jian-Feng Li, Charles Rosenblatt, Zili Li, and Yoshi-ichi Suzuki
pp. 462-465 [View Page Images or PDF (690 kB)]
Micelle size and orientational order across the nematic-isotropic transition: A field-dependent nuclear-spin-relaxation study
István Furó and Bertil Halle
pp. 466-477 [View Page Images or PDF (2,000 kB)]
Dielectric relaxation in sodium bis(2-ethylhexyl)sulfosuccinate–water–decane microemulsions near the percolation temperature threshold
Yuri Feldman, Nikolay Kozlovich, Ido Nir, and Nissim Garti
pp. 478-491 [View Page Images or PDF (2,625 kB)]
Equilibrium properties of polymers from the Langevin equation: Gaussian self-consistent approach
E. G. Timoshenko and K. A. Dawson
pp. 492-498 [View Page Images or PDF (809 kB)]
Molecular dynamics simulations of polymer droplets
Lukas Wagner
pp. 499-503 [View Page Images or PDF (841 kB)]
Phase transitions and modulated phases in lipid bilayers
C.-M. Chen, T. C. Lubensky, and F. C. MacKintosh
pp. 504-513 [View Page Images or PDF (1,797 kB)]
Phase diagram and scaling behavior of fluid vesicles
G. Gompper and D. M. Kroll
pp. 514-525 [View Page Images or PDF (1,918 kB)]
X-ray reflectivity study of interface roughness, structure, and morphology of alignment layers and thin liquid crystal films
Brian Cull, Yushan Shi, Satyendra Kumar, Raymond Shih, and J. Mann
pp. 526-535 [View Page Images or PDF (1,831 kB)]
Elasticity theory of smectic and canonic mesophases
S. Stallinga and G. Vertogen
pp. 536-543 [View Page Images or PDF (1,118 kB)]
Parametrization invariance and shape equations of elastic axisymmetric vesicles
R. Podgornik, S. Svetina, and B. Žekš
pp. 544-547 [View Page Images or PDF (653 kB)]
Microemulsion and lamellar phases of a vector lattice model
M. W. Matsen and D. E. Sullivan
pp. 548-557 [View Page Images or PDF (1,877 kB)]
Isostructural solid-solid transition of (colloidal) simple fluids
C. F. Tejero, A. Daanoun, H. N. W. Lakkerkerker, and M. Baus
pp. 558-566 [View Page Images or PDF (1,356 kB)]
Flow birefringence in lyotropic mixtures in the isotropic phase
P. R. G. Fernandes and A. M. Figueiredo Neto
pp. 567-570 [View Page Images or PDF (505 kB)]
Free-growth properties of a nematic–smectic-B liquid-crystal interface
Ágnes Buka, Tibor Tóth Katona, and Lorenz Kramer
pp. 571-578 [View Page Images or PDF (1,705 kB)]
Interpenetration and segregation of interacting polymer chains in a solution: Exact results on fractal lattices
Sanjay Kumar and Yashwant Singh
pp. 579-589 [View Page Images or PDF (1,744 kB)]
Mass conservation and anticorrelation effects in the colloidal aggregation of dense solutions
Marina Carpineti, Marzio Giglio, and Vittorio Degiorgio
pp. 590-596 [View Page Images or PDF (1,235 kB)]

Diffusion-Limited Aggregation, Dendritic Growth

Magnetic diffusion-limited aggregation
N. Vandewalle and M. Ausloos
pp. 597-603 [View Page Images or PDF (1,199 kB)]
Heterogeneous versus homogeneous nucleation of kink-antikink pairs
Thomas Christen
pp. 604-612 [View Page Images or PDF (1,529 kB)]

Plasma Physics

Search for ion dynamics effects on the shift and width of plasma-broadened C i and O i spectral lines
Z. Mijatović, N. Konjević, R. Kobilarov, and S. Djurović
pp. 613-618 [View Page Images or PDF (894 kB)]
Correlated stopping of Coulomb clusters in a dense jellium target
Claude Deutsch
pp. 619-631 [View Page Images or PDF (1,708 kB)]
Correlated ion stopping in a dense classical plasma
Claude Deutsch and Patrice Fromy
pp. 632-641 [View Page Images or PDF (1,579 kB)]

Physics of Beams

Effective bandwidth and the Kompfner dip for cyclotron autoresonance maser amplifiers
C. S. Kou, K. R. Chu, D. B. McDermott, and N. C. Luhmann, Jr.
pp. 642-648 [View Page Images or PDF (999 kB)]
Electron-beam acceleration by cyclotron-autoresonance interaction
K. H. Tsui
pp. 649-652 [View Page Images or PDF (507 kB)]
Phenomenological description of the optical field chaos in storage ring free-electron lasers
Wang Wen-Jie, Wang Guang-Rui, and Chen Shi-Gang
pp. 653-660 [View Page Images or PDF (947 kB)]

Classical Physics, Including Nonlinear Media

Soliton evolution and radiation loss for the Korteweg–de Vries equation
W. L. Kath and N. F. Smyth
pp. 661-670 [View Page Images or PDF (1,732 kB)]
Properties of wave functions in homogeneous anisotropic media
Wei Ren, Xin Bao Wu, Zhang Yi, and Wei Gan Lin
pp. 671-679 [View Page Images or PDF (1,144 kB)]
Nonuniqueness of the Lorentz-Dirac equation with the free-particle asymptotic condition
R. Blanco
pp. 680-689 [View Page Images or PDF (1,425 kB)]
See Also: Erratum
Propagation of electromagnetic waves in periodic lattices of spheres: Green’s function and lattice sums
N. A. Nicorovici, R. C. McPhedran, and Bao Ke-Da
pp. 690-702 [View Page Images or PDF (1,797 kB)]
Numerical investigation of isospectral cavities built from triangles
Hua Wu, D. W. L. Sprung, and J. Martorell
pp. 703-708 [View Page Images or PDF (766 kB)]
Soliton interactions on dual-core fibers
S. L. Doty, J. W. Haus, YunJe Oh, and R. L. Fork
pp. 709-717 [View Page Images or PDF (1,473 kB)]
Contact force distribution in a pile of rigid disks
J. Grindlay and A. H. Opie
pp. 718-723 [View Page Images or PDF (944 kB)]
Deformation of an elastic triangle in equilibrium under gravity
A. H. Opie and J. Grindlay
pp. 724-731 [View Page Images or PDF (1,005 kB)]

Biological Physics

Mixture states and storage of biased patterns in the Hopfield model: A replica-symmetry-breaking solution
D. Bollé and J. Huyghebaert
pp. 732-737 [View Page Images or PDF (770 kB)]
Time structure of the activity in neural network models
Wulfram Gerstner
pp. 738-758 [View Page Images or PDF (3,814 kB)]


General Methods of Statistical Physics

Weak non-Gaussian approximation
Oleg V. Vasil’ev and Kenneth A. Dawson
pp. 765-767 [View Page Images or PDF (328 kB)]
Form of uncompensated heat giving rise to a Pfaffian differential form in thermodynamic space
Byung Chan Eu
pp. 768-771 [View Page Images or PDF (698 kB)]
Two-dimensional traffic flow problems with faulty traffic lights
K. H. Chung, P. M. Hui, and G. Q. Gu
pp. 772-774 [View Page Images or PDF (538 kB)]
Controlling of chaotic motion by chaos and noise signals in a logistic map and a Bonhoeffer–van der Pol oscillator
S. Rajasekar
pp. 775-778 [View Page Images or PDF (480 kB)]
Results for the structural properties of random heaps of hard disks
B. Bonnier
pp. 779-780 [View Page Images or PDF (339 kB)]

Thermal Physics and Fluid Dynamics

Singularity spectrum of the velocity increment in isotropic turbulence
Iwao Hosokawa
pp. 781-783 [View Page Images or PDF (498 kB)]

Complex Fluids

Rigorous analysis of weak boundary-coupling effects in twisted chiral nematic liquid crystals
Akihiko Sugimura and Ou-Yang Zhong-can
pp. 784-787 [View Page Images or PDF (536 kB)]
Variations from the Plateau law in foams
Alexander V. Neimark and Michèle Vignes-Adler
pp. 788-791 [View Page Images or PDF (825 kB)]
Magnetic field effect on periodic stripe domains in nematic liquid crystals
A. Sparavigna, O. D. Lavrentovich, and A. Strigazzi
pp. 792-795 [View Page Images or PDF (1,032 kB)]
Exact derivation of the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation for the restricted solid-on-solid model
Kwangho Park and ByungNam Kahng
pp. 796-798 [View Page Images or PDF (453 kB)]
Repulsive forces in thin smectic-C* films on substrates
M. Tarabia, G. Cohen, J. Gersten, and D. Davidov
pp. 799-802 [View Page Images or PDF (843 kB)]
Scaling of the time-dependent self-diffusion coefficient and the propagation of hydrodynamic interactions
Pep Español, Miguel A. Rubio, and Ignacio Zúñiga
pp. 803-806 [View Page Images or PDF (654 kB)]

Diffusion-Limited Aggregation, Dendritic Growth

Comparative study of large-scale Laplacian growth patterns
M. T. Batchelor, B. I. Henry, and A. P. Roberts
pp. 807-810 [View Page Images or PDF (746 kB)]

Plasma Physics

Hydrodynamic approximation for ions in high-pressure rf glow discharges
V. Halpern and E. V. Kharitonov
pp. 811-812 [View Page Images or PDF (362 kB)]

Physics of Beams

Scaling function for free-electron-laser gain including alternating-gradient focusing
L. H. Yu, C. M. Hung, D. Li, and S. Krinsky
pp. 813-816 [View Page Images or PDF (676 kB)]

Classical Physics, Including Nonlinear Media

Modulational instability of two counterpropagating waves in an experimental transmission line
J. M. Bilbault, P. Marquié, and B. Michaux
pp. 817-820 [View Page Images or PDF (724 kB)]
Split-operator technique and solution of Liouville propagation equations
G. Dattoli, L. Giannessi, P. L. Ottaviani, and A. Torre
pp. 821-824 [View Page Images or PDF (460 kB)]
Deriving average soliton equations with a perturbative method
Gary J. Ballantyne, Peter T. Gough, and Desmond P. Taylor
pp. 825-828 [View Page Images or PDF (569 kB)]

Biological Physics

Fluctuation-dissipation theorem imposes high-voltage fluctuations in biological ionic channels
Joaquim Procopio and José A. Fornés
pp. 829-831 [View Page Images or PDF (560 kB)]